Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I feel so behind on posting! I've been posting a little here and there about stuff we did last weekend but it is Wednesday here (well it's wednesday at home currently too) We've been super busy at work though! Today we massively over halled a lot of the library and yes there will be pictures posted eventually! That is how things get back logged bc the hotel internet is like dial up maybe worse!! Lets see things to tell you about so I did my laundry in the sink the other night and that took a lot of work I think I'll jump on the band wagon and send off a few things to the hotel laundry service it is costing people about 10 american dollars which is not bad! So while none of us have obviously attempted driving I must say it is a special art form here. People park and drive on side walks but I've been told that it is not as bad as it is in Moscow. Tonight for dinner I ate Italian food. It's better than Italian food in america lol. I think like in America there is just a twist to how it is prepared. It was great! I really haven't found anything I don't like here...well that I have tried!
Ok random side track because tonight is the first night I've watched TV here except for the flinstones dubbed at breakfast we are watching what we believe to be Ukraine's equivalent of American idol. It is entertaining especially when you understand none of it! Well I'll leave you with that for today! Write more soon!

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