Saturday, May 29, 2010

Storming the Castle

The High Castle
In 1360 King Kazimierz the Great built the High Castle on the mountain right next to the place where the Princes' castle once stood. The Polish poet S. Klonowicz, in his writings about the High Castle, wrote that it's towers support Heaven and its vaults reach Hell. The remnants of thee castle was ordered to be demolished in 1772 by the Austrian government. Only a small portion of the fortification on Visoky Zamok Mountain (413 meters above sea level) remain. The debris of the walls there is a mound commorating the 1569 Lublin Union (between Poland and the Great Principality of Lithuania unted and formed the Rech Pospolita State which is today a viewing area. The mound was constructed in 1869-1900 by Franciszek Smolka. The soil and the stone for the monument were brought from the adjacent Prince's mountain. In the mound Polish patriots installed a capsule containing the soil from the battlefield at Raclawicami as well as bits of A. Michiewicz's and J. Slowack's coffins.

We climbed to the top of this "mountain"!!! We walked through a beautiful park as we were going up as well.

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